Jan 8, 2012
This episode Travis talks about a conference he attended in October 2011 titled "Utopias and the Japanese Imaginary". Travis presented his paper on Hokusai's "Eight Views of Okinawa", a collection of eight woodblock prints done by Hokusai, who had never actually been to Okinawa. He discusses why Hokusai chose to do a collection of prints on Okinawa, despite never having been there, what resources he used, and why.
Follow Travis on Twitter: @toranosukev
Mentioned in this podcast:
Izumisaki Bus station: https://plus.google.com/108293617575237683045/about?gl=US&hl=en-US
Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies: http://www.international.ucla.edu/japan/
Utopias and the Japanese Imaginary Conference: http://www.international.ucla.edu/calendar/showevent.asp?eventid=9022
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